Has your login failed? There may be several reasons for this...
- Check that there are no spaces before or after your username or password.
- Both your username and password are case sensitive. Be sure to check that you have correctly entered your cASe-SensITIve USernAME aNd pASswOrD!
- Your login may have expired.
- You lost your password. Retrieve it here.
If you are still experiencing difficulties please click the icon in the bottom right and submit a support ticket with as much information as possible. We will help resolve your issue.
Verify your email and password
First, please check that you have no spaces before or after your login or password. Your login name and password are CaSe sensitive so check that you have the correct combination of capitalized letters, numbers and characters.
Your membership might be expired
When your membership expires or is canceled you will receive a confirmation email. Make sure to check your spam folder if you do not receive this notification. If you are unsure about the status of your membership, please submit a ticket to our customer service department.
Account temporarily blocked
Your account might be blocked because of too many failed login attempts or password sharing violations. The block will be removed after a short period and you may try again later. Make sure to exit your browser and launch it again before your next login attempt.
Forgot login or password
If you've forgotten or no longer have access to your email or password, use our password retrieval form to have it sent to your email.